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Maksym Krippa and GSC Game World: how strategic investments…

The fall of 2023 was a landmark year for the gaming industry. GSC Game World, known for its cult project STALKER, got a new...
1 min read

Settingan Gear Tamiya, Pemula Wajib Tahu Biar Kenceng!

Settingan counter gear tamiya dan gear shaft/spur menjadi kendala tersendiri, karena ratio yang berbeda mulai dari 3.5:1 sampai 5:1.
1 min read

Ide Bisnis Masa Pensiun: Budidaya Tanaman Pangan

Pada saat memasuki masa pensiun, sebagian orang memilih untuk bersantai, namun sebagian lainnya lebih memilih untuk tetap produktif seperti menjalankan sebuah bisnis. Dengan berinvestasi secara...
2 min read

Manfaat Pemasangan CCTV di Area Peternakan Sapi Perah

Seiring meningkatnya kesadaran masyarakat akan manfaat susu untuk kesehatan dan kecerdasan, peluang bisnis ternak sapi perah pun semakin menjanjikan. Agar pengelolaan ternak berjalan lancar,...
2 min read

Role, Regulation, and Compensation of Forex Brokers

In the world of foreign exchange trading, forex brokers play a pivotal role. They are the bridge between individual traders and the vast
2 min read

Steam Computers Game Online Store: What Is Inside?

Steam is a popular computers game online store for computer games developed and maintained for PC by Valve Corporation. Steam has a vast collection...
2 min read

6 Reasons You Should Use an ECN Forex Broker

The forex market frequently stands out from the rivalry regarding trading and investments. When skill, expertise, experience, and vision are combined appropriately, growing a...
2 min read

5 Useful Features of MT5 That You Should Know

Although the underlying perspectives for MT4 and MT5 are nearly identical, MT5 has several favorable characteristics that a trader should know. Most retail traders...
3 min read

Pengalaman Menggunakan Broker EightCap Untuk Trading Forex

Broker EightCap merupakan broker yang gue gunakan saat ini untuk trading forex sampai saat ini. Bagaimana spread, komisi dan reviewnya?
2 min read